Anna Garms
1991 I gave everything for dance, my body, my heart and my soul. For 4 years I learned to dance, to improvise and the art of making dance pieces
1992-96 I was touring with several companies: da frank und frei, Keriac
& Company, Luneclairs, fannatic and interspace (Germany, Switzerland, San Francisco)
1997 I wanted to learn something new and studied dance and improvisation at the school for New Dance Development in Amsterdam
1998-2004 Own Choreographies and dance: solos: Rose and Taurus, Balance, jetzt geht’s um die Wurscht; group pieces: Narmada, Brunnenperformance. I learned action theatre and went on tour with Babette singing old German Popsongs, that this wonderful old songs dont get lost
2004 I descided to become a serious artist and founded the dance theatre group Erdbeermund (engl. Strawberry mouth). We have been creating a not so serious piece, very whimsical and enjoyable DAS ROTE TIER (engl. THE RED ANIMAL) and performed it in the south of Germany.
2005 I founded the street theatre Duo Lindanna with Linda Baez-Rubi, because it is a wonderfully exciting challenge and a political statement to perform in the streets and you dont have to pay the technician wich normally gets more money than the artist
2007-2010 I studied pantomime, mime, physical theatre and clownery at the ETAGE school for perfoming arts in Berlin to become a much more serious artist.
2010 - 2015 Duo Stradatella with Brigitte Kiessling, Pia Sturm, Coco Clownesse, Luzia Völker and Margrita Wahrer
2016 Time for a solo, et voila: ` La vie en rose d` Augustine`
Anna Garms